

Over the coming months, we the British people will be subjected to points of view, diverging opinions, and veiled threats and promises regarding the consequences we may face if we vote one way or another in the approaching EU referendum.

This video is worth watching.


  1. Please stick to Tameside.

  2. Thanks for your advice Anonymous, I know the only people who comment here are world leaders, up-and-coming intellectuals and wise deep thinkers. It was presumptuous of me to even begin to think that I could compete with this exclusive group of academics and scholars!

  3. Of course your previous commentator must be of the view that Tameside is a "bubble", totally unaffected by events that occur outside of its boundaries. But there again maybe that's not an uncommon stance amongst the cognoscenti around here.

    If the issue of the EU is not debated properly, with all points of view being broadcast, then the country risks the referendum being skewed by the type of misinformation that influenced the outcome in 1975. I for one bitterly regret casting a yes vote "informed" by the lies of that quisling Heath.

  4. In 1985 or 86 I attended a lecture at Salford University given by ex-Labour MP and member of Roy Jenkins' team in Europe, Prof David Marquand. He said essentially what this video says. That the plan was always a federal Europe which would be brought about by stealth.

    Tameside Citizen

  5. If we vote to stay in, the massive number of migrants who have been, and still are, flooding into Germany and other EU countries in a seemingly endless tide will be able to go and live in ANY EU COUNTRY. There is and will be no renegotiation on freedom of movement, once they are given leave to live in one EU country they can go to any.
    This is a particularly horrific possibility for the people of England because it is already virtually the most overcrowded country in the world.
    Francois Hollande, the French President, recently criticised our country for not taking enough of the inrushing hordes. The reality is that England's population density is a massive 430% higher than France's. The very idea that two countries with such vastly different population pressures should have the same immigration rules is dangerous and patently absurd lunacy.

  6. This excellent video, although with old footage, is well worth watching even at over 40 minutes long. Norris McWhirter at 13 minutes and 29 minutes expertly sums up the situation with Europe.

    Our traitorous and corrupt politicians have tricked the British public long enough and the servicemen who gave their lives for our freedom have been betrayed. I voted no in 1975 and have never seen any reason to regret the decision.

    Thank goodness I am in the Autumn of my years as I dread to think what the future holds for my grandchildren, what with the judicial system, or lack of it and the infestation of economic migrants masquerading as asylum seekers.

  7. It's an invasion not an infestation.


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