

"Big Mac's all round, and don't forget my balloon!"

Following on from the embarrassing leak from the Treasury when details of the George Osborne’s budget was plastered all over papers, the already embattled Tory chancellor has been caught in yet another PR catastrophe, after his car, driven by his police driver, was caught parked in a disabled parking space, while wee George popped into a MacDonald's, for what he must have thought was a 'Happy Meal'
If one thinks of this situation logically, then it’s the police close protection team who should be criticised, because it is they who decide where to drop him/pick him up, when not on an "official" visit. They must decide, operationally at all times where to park, and standard operating procedure is to park closest to the building entrance/exit, no matter where, to reduce transit time on foot.

Having said that; especially after the ‘Plebgate’ debacle, and the Leveson rulings, all politicians must be aware that that every gutter press news hack are champing at the bit, just waiting for these ‘gifted’ moments in their desperation to find "an angle" to ridicule all high profile Members of Parliament?

But what has happened to the Tory PR machine? ...Where is the damage limitation?

In the real world, this so called blunder is an everyday occurrence. You only have to stand in Morrison’s to see people parking in a disabled space and swaggering into the supermarket, but politicians and the like must be seen to be observing the rules, or they’ll be wide open to criticism. 

Let’s be honest, this is a nonsense story; it’s nothing to do with ‘contempt for disabled people’, but it is yet another example of a great PR fiasco from a senior politician, who should have known better!

NB. What’s the betting that Cllr Taylor will pick up on it?

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